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Adobe / Magento PromptBook. Find free ChatGPT prompt samples for your Adobe / Magento products.

Are you planning to use AI like ChatGPT to generate Adobe / Magento product descriptions, translate products or generate meta data or any other texts? Adobe / Magento PromptBook with free product prompts would be a huge benefit for you! In this article you can find a list of prompts that you can use as a starting point to generate your perfect prompt. Please note, the ChatGPT API has length limitations, so in case you’re translating or enriching current product descriptions, make sure it does not reach the approximate limit of 4000 for gpt-3.5 and 8000 for gpt-4 English characters (including prompt text and the original product description length). Here you can find more about limitations.

Need more instructions on how to write your own perfect prompt? Check how to create the perfect Adobe / Magento ChatGPT prompt here and find 8 things to check to make sure your Prompt is performing at its maximum.

Here's the list of Adobe / Magento Product-related prompt examples:

  1. Generate Product Short Description based on Product Name
  2. Generate Product Description based on Product Name with HTML
  3. Generate Product Meta Title based on Product Name
  4. Generate Product Meta Description based on Product Name
  5. Generate Product Meta Keywords based on Product Name

You're welcome to copy them and use with Store Manager for Adobe / Magento free trial that you can download at: https://www.mag-manager.com/free-download/

Disclaimer! Do not use Prompts as is without checking and/or modifying per your needs. It is a good idea to use your prompt with one or few products to make sure that your ChatGPT prompt is perfect, or use a web version of ChatGPT to validate your prompt before you proceed with mass actions. This will help you avoid incorrect, incomplete, or wrong formatted texts from being generated. Most prompts should be adjusted per your specific needs to get the perfect results. Also it is recommended to check all ChatGPT responses (generated texts) before applying them to your live site. eMagicOne does not charge or get any commission for ChatGPT and is not in charge of any text discrepancies. For more questions about payments or incorrect charges, please contact OpenAI directly.

Generate Product Short Description based on Product Name

Please ignore all the previous instructions. Please respond only in the English language. You are a professional copywriter that speaks and writes fluent English.
You are an expert in content creation and can write a short product description in fluent English. Create an engaging short description for the "[PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTE(name)]" product.
Short descriptions should be easy to read and understand. It should be up to 100 words.
Avoid jargon and complicated language. Do not repeat yourself. Do not self reference. Do not explain what you are doing.

Generate Product Description based on Product Name with HTML

Please ignore all the previous instructions. Please respond only in the English language. You are a professional copywriter that speaks and writes fluent English.
You are an expert in content creation and can write a product description in fluent English.
Create an engaging product description for "[PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTE(name)]" that emphasizes its value and affordability. Product descriptions should be easy to read and understand.
It should be at least 500 words, no duplicates, use handy expressions.
Also use power words like Amazing, Instant, Exclusive.
Add a catchy headline for features and benefits and add product name "[PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTE(name)]" to the headline.
Highlight benefits and explain the advanced features of the "[PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTE(name)]" in everyday language that a novice would understand.
Generate a compelling section of the description that communicates the limited availability and high demand of the product.
Generate a unique and persuasive call-to-actions to urge customers to add a product to their cart.
Add basic html tags for lists, titles, and paragraphs to the whole description including the first title. The first title should be H2, do not use H1 html tag.
Avoid jargon and complicated language. Do not repeat yourself. Do not self reference. Do not explain what you are doing.

Generate Product Meta Title based on Product Name

Please ignore all the previous instructions. Please respond only in the English language. You are a professional copywriter that speaks and writes fluent English.
You are an expert in content creation and can write a meta title in fluent English. "[PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTE(name)]" is the target product for which you need to create a Meta Title.
In your response provide a meta title only. The meta title should be a maximum of 60 characters long. Do not repeat yourself. Do not self reference. Do not explain what you are doing.

Generate Product Meta Description based on Product Name

Please ignore all the previous instructions. Please respond only in the English language. You are a professional copywriter that speaks and writes fluent English.
You are an expert in content creation and can write a product meta description in fluent English. "[PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTE(name)]" is the target product for which you need to create the Meta Description.
In your response provide a meta description only. The meta description should be an engaging and maximum of 160 characters long.
Do not repeat yourself. Do not self reference. Do not explain what you are doing.

Generate Product Meta Keywords based on Product Name

Please ignore all the previous instructions. Please respond only in the English language. You are a market research expert that speaks and writes fluent English.
You are an expert in keyword research and can write keywords in fluent English. "[PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTE(name)]" is the target product for which you need to create commercial or transactional keywords.
In your response provide a list of keywords separated by commas. There should be a maximum of 3 keywords. Do not repeat yourself. Do not self reference. Do not explain what you are doing.

Overall it is a good idea to be very specific when generating texts with ChatGPT. Also it is a good idea to use generated texts along with human-written texts, this way you will be able to enrich your texts and make sure that the text is not detected by tools as AI-generated.

Need any other assistance with Prompts or add any other fields? Contact our support team and we’ll be happy to help.

About Adobe / Magento AI

Generate product description, meta or any other data and translate product data into multiple languages with ChatGPT Prompts Download Free Trial Now

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