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Converting Magento simple products into configurable and generate associated simple items in few clicks?

Converting Magento Simple Product to Configurable: How Is It Done?

"Change product type" option, available on the toolbar or in the context menu (Categories&Products section of Store Manager for Magento) is responsible for converting Magento simple product to configurable.

convert magento simple product to configurable option
Change Magento product type

  1. Select simple product or products to be converted to configurable and click click on this option.

  2. Select target product type in from this dropdown.

  3. magento simple product type converting
    Change Magento product type

  4. Press OK to change Magento product type.

Generate Associated Simple Items to Converted Product

To create fully-functional configurable product, you have assign simple products to it. They will represent selections at the frontend, so that customer will be able to adjust their purchase and choose necessary option. Store Manager provides you with the possibility to generate associated products.

  1. Move towards Associated Products tab of product lower grid and press "Select Configurable Attributes" button on the toolbar.

  2. generate configurable product options in Magento
    Change Magento product type

  3. Select configurable attributes, on the basis of which options will be generated and press YES.

  4. select magento configurable product attributes
    Change Magento product type

  5. Press "Create Associated Products" button and select values that will participate in associated product creating.

  6. select magento configurable attribute values to generate associated products
    Change Magento product type

  7. Confirm generating and in seconds simple products will be created.

Check the results in Store Manager and at the product page.

magento product type converted
Change Magento product type

magento configurable product at frontend
Change Magento product type

Store ManagerFrontend

Use alternative route of changing product types with Store Manager for Magento application - avoid hours of tiresome product re-adding and create customizable product catalog.

Things to Consider Before Converting Product Type

In order to create configurable product in Magento, to be more accurate, to create selections, there should be configurable attribute with options in the attribute set, this configurable product belongs to (after converting).

Configurable attribute is some product parameter, selections vary by, for example size or color. It should have fields configured in this way:

  • Scope = "Global"
  • Input Type = "Dropdown"
  • Apply to = "Simple Product and Configurable Product" or "All Product Types"
  • Attribute options added

magento configurable attribute
Change Magento product type

Convert simple products to configurable ones FREE with Store Manager Convert Now

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Will Lifestyle
Will Lifestyle • 08/26/2017

How can you bulk create associated products to multiple products?

Magento Store ManagerMod Will Lifestyle • 08/28/2017

Hello Will.
Thank you for your question.
In Magento the associated products you create and assign to configurable should be simple items with unique variation of configurable attributes. For the mentioned reason, in Store Manager the configurable attributes and values сan be selected for each configurable product individually.
If you are interested in bulk way to create and associate simple items to configurables, you can check this article how to do this via import - https://www.mag-manager.com/product-information/magento-product-management/how-import-configurable-products-to-magento-2/

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