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Magento 2 customer export

Whenever you need to modify Magento customers data, spreadsheet format would likely be the most. With Store Manager for Magento and its Customer Import/Export wizard, you can export customer data from Magento to the file, implement all the necessary modifications, re-import this file back to the shop and update customer-related data.

Magento export operation is fulfilled in several steps via export customer wizard. Each stage requires you to configure some setting so that information will be appended to the file successfully.

If you want to export specific customers, go to Customers section and highlight necessary records and only after that launch the wizard. For easier search, you can filter clients by date and purchased products. The filters are placed in the right grid.

How to Export Magento 2 Customers with Store Manager?

  1. Under 'Store' tab open Import/ Export dropdown and select Import/Export Customers option from the drop-down.

  2. Launch Export wizard to extract Magento 2 customers data

  3. Customers Import/Export wizard will open up. Make sure to select Export action to be transferred to the first step of Magento customers data export.

  4. Select Export action in the wizard of Store Manager

  5. Press the browse button and select the file to save exported Magento 2 customers info to.

  6. Select file to save exported customers data to

  7. Specify what exactly customers to be exported to the .csv. It is possible to export all Magento 2 customers, only filtered records or selected customers only. Press radio button for corresponding option and move to the next step.

  8. Select what Magento 2 customers to export

    Here you must designate delimiters to separate fields data. Pay attention to symbols you have specified since these very separators must be indicated when importing this file back to Magento.

    Specify delimiters to separate fields data

    On the next step you need to select data fields that to be exported to .csv. The entire list of fields is given on the left pane. If you need to exportonly specific customer fields, drag them to the right pane or use the button (> or >>). Press >> in order to export all the customer associated fields. Check 'Export Field Names' option in the 'First Row' box for field titles to be listed in the first file row. If you transferred some of the fields to the right pane but revealed that there is no necessity to export them to the file, use the corresponding button to move these fields back. Press Export button and preview the file with exported customers.

    Drag fields to be exported to the right pane

    This window demonstrates data you export. You can also select an after-export action here: None, Open directory containing the result file, Open result file. Once you select 'None', the export wizard will close automatically. To reach the folder, the exported file has been placed to, opt for 'Open directory containing result file' selection. Choose the third option to open the file.

    Preview Magento 2 customers export and select an after-export action

    You can save the current export configuration settings to file, so they coupd be used for setting up further export processes.

    Save export configuration to file if necessary

Store Manager for Magento robust solution provides you easy-to-use export wizard for swift Magento customers export. Once you go through each and every step carefully, you derive accurately organized spreadsheet with customers and information related to them.

Read related article and find tips on how to import Magento customers - www.mag-manager.com/product-information/magento-product-management/magento-2-customer-data-management/how-to-import-magento-2-customers/

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