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Magento 2 meta tags optimization

What are Magento 2 Meta Tags?

Meta tags are HTML elements which help search engines understand what the webpage is about. Meta title and meta description tags are considered to be the most important meta tags affecting SEO in the biggest way.

Magento 2 Meta Tags

Let's figure out the ways to maximally optimize your Magento 2 meta tags and move your pages higher in search results.

How to add Magento 2 meta tags?

  1. From Magento admin go to 'Content' and select 'Configuration under Design;

  2. magento-2-meta-tags-optimization
    Magento 2 Meta Tags

  3. Find necessary website in the list and press 'Edit';

  4. magento-2-meta-tags-select site
    Magento 2 Meta Tags

  5. Scroll down to 'Other Settings' and expand 'HTML head' section. Here you can specify your metadata.

  6. magento-2-meta-tags
    Magento 2 Meta Tags

Below you can find detailed instructions on how to write appropriate meta titles and meta descriptions for better SEO optimization.

Magento Meta Title Tag

Meta title specifies the title of a webpage and is displayed in search results. Actually, meta titles are the first thing users see when looking for the necessary content, so you should make them as much accurate and attractive as possible. It is recommended to use 60-characters long titles containing relative keywords. If the title is too long, Google can cut it by adding an ellipsis instead.

Make sure your meta titles are not used on other pages. Unique titles are considered by search engines as valuable and may have a big impact on the user’s decision to enter your page.

In addition, try to use primary keywords closer to the beginning of the title, this might also influence your positions. Moreover, it was discovered, that a big percent of users read only first two words of a title tag. Although make sure not to over-optimize your meta titles by stuffing them with keywords.

One of the best Magento 2 meta title examples is the following: Primary keyword - Secondary keyword | Brand.

Magento 2 Meta Tags

Magento Meta Description Tag

Meta descriptions are snippets of text conveying a short summary of the page content. After reading your meta title, a user scans your meta description.

The best meta description length is considered to be about 160 characters. Not long ago, Google decided to increase snippets length to 230 characters, though its effect is not guaranteed.

When writing Magento 2 meta description, make sure it advertises your product as much as better and do not forget about using keywords. In order to make your meta description more informative and effective, you can apply structured data or rich snippets. This tool is used to add to meta description such important meta details as price, stock availability, rating etc.

Can I Leave Meta Tags Fields Blank?

There are some cases when it is a good idea to leave meta tags blank and let search engines fill them in by themselves. For example, if your page is targeting traffic with long-tail keywords, it is better to leave meta tags untouched, so the search engine will generate most relevant keyword to be used in your meta title and description. The reason is that Google composes keywords basing on users' queries, so it can create a good user-oriented keyword.

Do not forget to regularly check your metadata to make sure everything is on its place. You can detect missing meta titles or meta descriptions, duplicate URL keys by performing Magento SEO diagnostics via Store Manager in one click.

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